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Healthier Crab Cakes

Delicious, low-carb, and gluten-free crab cakes!

These fluffy and jumbo lump crab cakes are the perfect summer dinner. This honestly might be one of my favorite recipes yet! I’ve always loved crab cakes – and I love this healthy twist.. I even added a little cauliflower! I also used Bob’s Red Mill [3] almond flour and Chosen Food’s [4] avocado oil mayo. You could use which ever mayo you like!

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Healthier Crab Cakes

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1 lb. jumbo lump crab meat – cooked

5 tbsp almond flour

2 eggs

2 tbsp avocado oil mayo – or mayo of choice

2 tsp dijon

1/2 cup steamed cauliflower florets – chopped in small pieces

1 tbsp dried parsley

1 tsp old bay seasoning

1/4 tsp cayenne

pinch of salt

1-2 tbsp olive oil

tartar sauce and fresh lemon wedges for serving


In a large mixing bowl combine crab meat and cauliflower.

In a seperate mixing bowl, whisk together eggs, mayo, dijon, parsley, old bay, cayenne and salt.

Add the wet mixture to the crab and cauliflower bowl and gently combine and add the almond flour.

Form into 8 patties and place on a cutting board or parchment paper lined baking sheet, store in the fridge for 30 minutes to an hour to set.

Add oil to a skillet over medium-carefully place the patties in the oil (about 4 at a time) cook about 3 -5 minutes per side or until they’re cooked through and browned.

Serve with fresh lemon and tartar sauce.