Some of my favorite baby items that have gotten us through the first few months of parenthood!

My baby girl will be four months old this week. I can’t believe it! They don’t lie when they say it goes fast. This is a round up of some of our most used and recommended baby items. I know registering for baby items can be super overwhelming. So, I hope this helps some mamas to be. However, keep in mind every baby is so different! What works for one baby won’t always work for another.
- Hatch sound machine – literally the best. I don’t think our baby would sleep so good without this. And I love that we can turn it on and adjust it through the app on our phone.
- Keekaroo peanut changer – I know this is pricy for a changing pad but we love it. Soft for your little one’s head and easy to wipe down. However, I’m sure there are more affordable options.
- Vava baby monitor – Picking a monitor was super overwhelming for me. I do not regret registering for this one! I like how it’s not wifi. When my mom came to help she could just take it and we could fully rest without checking the monitor. Same as when my husband and I take night shifts. You can move the camera lens from the monitor too! Also, there’s a split screen option for if you have two little ones.
- Vava baby monitor mount – highly recommend this mount for the vava camera.
- Crib mattress – this crib mattress is completely breathable which gives me such peace of mind.
- Crib sheets
- Crib – obviously any crib is fine! This is the one we chose.
- Diaper pail
- Muslin burp cloths – you cannot have enough of these.
- Piano play mat – if you buy anything I suggest, let it be this mat. Yes it is colorful and will not match your home aesthetic. But, the smile it puts on your baby face is 100% worth it. It keeps my baby occupied for a while. Also, helps with tummy time! Be prepared for “purple monkey” song to live rent-free in your head.
- Lovevery play gym – Lovevery gifted me this play gym and we love it!
- My swing is sold out everywhere. But, we have loved this one.
- Baby bjorn bouncer – My baby loves hanging out in here while I get ready, do dishes or other chores.
- Baby bjorn toy bar
- Crawling crab for tummy time
- Firefly stroller toy
- Black and white cards
- Stroller – we went with the Uppababy Vista. It was a hard decision. However, I don’t regret it. We used the bassinet feature a lot when she was a newborn. Also, I love how it can be used as a double stroller when we (hopefully) have another little one. It’s so smooth. My only complaint is that it is bulky. But, I still love it.
- Carseat
- Doona – this is a great travel stroller. Also, great for quick errands!
- Portable sound machine
Bath & Hygiene
- Baby bath
- Tubby Todd products – I love all of their products but especially the all over ointment. It is magic.
- Cradle cap shampoo
- Soft baby bath towels
- Baby sponges – these get so soapy!
- Bath kneeler and elbow rest
- Bath thermometer
- Electric nail filer
- Snot sucker
- Halo sleep swaddles – easy to use swaddle! These got us through the newborn phase. Plus they are affordable compared to many others!
- Ollie sleep swaddle – I love this swaddle too.
- Magic sleep suit
- Pacifiers – These are my baby’s favorite
- Coterie diapers – We noticed our baby started sleeping longer stretches when we switched to these. Also, love that they are subscription based.
- Our favorite diaper wipes
- Baby safe dish soap
- Baby safe laundry detergent
- Muslin bibs – if your baby spits up a lot like mine these are a must have!